Figure 1. Brodmann’s areas of the human cerebral cortex.

Before discussing the Usnisa Cortex, we need to give an orientation to the various areas of the somatosensory cortex in the brain. The human cerebral cortex can be divided into about 50 distinct areas called Brodmann’s areas based on histological structural differences. This map is important because virtually all neurophysiologists and neurologists use it to refer by number to many of the different functional areas of the human cortex (Hall & Guyton, 2011, pp. 574-575).

In general, sensory signals from all modalities of sensation terminate in the cerebral cortex immediately posterior to the central fissure. And generally, the anterior half of the parietal lobe is almost entirely concerned with reception and interpretation of somatosensory signals. But the posterior half of the parietal lobe provides still higher levels of interpretation. Visual signals terminate in the occipital lobe, and auditory signals terminate in the temporal lobe (Hall & Guyton, 2011,   p. 575).

Conversely, that portion of the cerebral cortex anterior to the central fissure and constituting the posterior half of the frontal lobe is called the motor cortex and is devoted almost entirely to control of muscle contractions and body movements. A major share of this motor control is in response to somatosensory signals received from the sensory portions of the cortex, which keep the motor cortex informed at each instant about the positions and motions of the different body parts (Hall & Guyton, 2011,   p. 575).

There are two separate sensory areas in the anterior parietal lobe called somatosensory area I and somatosensory area II. The reason for this division into two areas is that a distinct and separate spatial orientation of the different parts of the body is found in each of these two areas. However, somatosensory area I is so much more extensive and so much more important than somatosensory area II that in popular usage, the term somatosensory cortex almost always means area I. Somatosensory area I has a high degree of localization of the different parts of the body. By contrast, localization is poor in somatosensory area II, although roughly, the face is represented anteriorly, the arms centrally, and the legs posteriorly (Hall & Guyton, 2011,   p. 575).

Little is known about the function of somatosensory area II. It is known that signals enter this area from the brain stem, transmitted upward from both sides of the body. In addition, many signals come secondarily from somatosensory area I, and even from the visual and auditory areas. Projections from somatosensory area I are required for function of somatosensory area II (Hall & Guyton, 2011,   p. 575).
Spatial orientation of signals from different parts of the body comes from somatosensory area I which lies immediately behind the central fissure, located in the postcentral gyrus of the human cerebral cortex. However, each lateral side of the cortex receives sensory information almost exclusively from the opposite side of the body (Hall & Guyton, 2011,      p. 576).

Figure 3 showing a cross section through the brain at level of the postcentral gyrus, demonstrates representations of the different parts of the body in separate regions of somatosensory area I (Hall & Guyton, 2011, p. 576).

Some areas of the body are represented by large areas in the somatic cortex—the lips the greatest of all, followed by the face and thumb—whereas the trunk and lower part of the body are represented by relatively small areas (Hall & Guyton, 2011, p. 576).


Figure 2. Two somatosensory cortical areas, somatosensory areas I and II.

The sizes of these areas are directly proportional to the number of specialized sensory receptors in each respective peripheral area of the body. For instance, a great number of specialized nerve endings are found in the lips and face, whereas only a few are present in the skin of the body trunk. The head is represented in the most lateral portion of somatosensory area I, and the lower part of the body is represented medially (Hall & Guyton, 2011, p. 576).

The cerebral cortex contains six layers of neurons, beginning with layer I next to the brain surface and extending progressively deeper to layer VI. Layer I is the molecular layer, II is the external granular layer, III is the layer of small pyramidal cells, IV is the internal granular layer, V is the large pyramidal cell layer and VI is the layer of fusiform or polymorphic cells. The neurons in each layer perform functions different from those in other layers. Some of these functions are:


Figure 3.
The incoming sensory signal excites neuronal layer IV first; then the signal spreads toward the surface of the cortex and also toward deeper layers.
2. Layer I and II receive diffuse, nonspecific input signals from lower brain centers that facilitate specific regions of the cortex. This input mainly controls the overall level of excitability of the respective regions stimulated.
3. The neurons in layers II and III send axons to related portions of the cerebral cortex on the opposite side of the brain through the corpus callosum.
4. The neurons in layers V and VI send axons to the deeper parts of the nervous system. Those in layer V generally project to more distant areas, such as to the basal ganglia, brain stem, and spinal cord, where they control signal transmission. From layer VI, especially large numbers of axons extend to the thalamus, providing signals from the cerebral cortex that interact with and help to control the excitatory levels of incoming sensory signals entering the thalamus (Hall & Guyton, 2011, p. 576).
The neurons of the somatosensory cortex are arranged in vertical columns extending all the way through the six layers of the cortex, each column having a diameter of 0.3 to 0.5 millimeter and containing perhaps 10,000 neuronal cell bodies. Each of these columns serves a single specific sensory modality, some columns responding to stretch receptors around joints, some to stimulation of tactile hairs, others to discrete localized pressure points on the skin, and so forth. At layer IV, where the input sensory signals first enter the cortex, the columns of neurons function almost entirely separately from one another. At other levels of the columns, interactions occur that initiate analysis of the meanings of the sensory signals (Hall & Guyton, 2011, p. 577).
Figure 4.  Structure of the cerebral cortex.

In the most anterior 5 to 10 millimeters of the post-central gyrus, located deep in the central fissure in Brodmann’s area 3a, an especially large share of the vertical columns responds to muscle, tendon, and joints stretch receptors. Many of the signals from these sensory columns then spread anteriorly, directly to the motor cortex located immediately forward of the central fissure. These signals play a major role in controlling the effluent motor signals that activate sequences of muscle contraction. As one moves posteriorly in somatosensory area I, more and more of the vertical columns respond to slowly adapting cutaneous receptors, and then still farther posteriorly, greater numbers of the columns are sensitive to deep pressure (Hall & Guyton, 2011, p. 577).       

In the most posterior portion of somatosensory area I, about 6 percent of the vertical columns respond only when a stimulus moves across the skin in a particular direction. Thus, this is a still higher order of interpretation of sensory signals; the process becomes even more complex as the signals spread farther backward from somatosensory area I into the parietal cortex, an area called the somatosensory association area, which plays important roles in deciphering deeper meanings of the sensory information in the somatosensory areas and receives the signals from somatosensory area I, the ventrobasal nuclei of the thalamus, other areas of the thalamus, the visual cortex, and the auditory cortex (Hall & Guyton, 2011, p. 577).

The 31st biological characteristic of the Bodhi humans is the Usnisa Cortex, which is specialized from the Proprioceptive Bodhi Mechanism. According to Brodmann’s cortical maps, the Usnisa Cortex starts to develop from areas 2, 3, and 4, and will expand to areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7a and form a big dome shape when the Proprioceptive Bodhi functions develop to a higher level.

The Usnisa Cortex has the function of spontaneously exhibiting the development of things and events, which can directly read the developmental trajectory and logical rules of such a phenomenon as any person, event, time, place, and object in each space-time (p=0.00) and spontaneously comprehend the cause and effect of the formation of things and phenomena. It can also provide relative cognition about factors advantageous and disadvantageous to the future. It is, therefore, defined as the human highest-level cerebral cortex of the most perfect and complete intelligence and capability, briefly named the Yuan Cortex, which is the reason why the New Human Line is taxonomically classified as the genus Yuan Homo.

The procedures for inspecting, measuring, and verifying the Usnisa Cortex of the Bodhi humans

  1. The Usnisa Cortex is the common characteristic of all the Bodhi humans. It also serves as the basis for differentiating the ranking of Bodhi humans.
  2. Only those who have passed the inspection and verification of each of the new physiological functions of the Bodhi humans, is qualified to register for measurement of this Cortex.
  3. The external form of the Usnisa Cortex has to be in a round shape, with the top part like a dome and the big arc of which has over 12 cm and defined as the crown of the head. When the external form matches this standard, the individual is qualified to be measured for the Cortex. Other shapes, such as pointed, oval, and non-circular shapes, are not qualified for measurement.
  4. The Usnisa Cortex is located on the parietal lobe with the sensory area as the center of the circle and extending outward toward the bulging points of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The person with the proliferated cortex in this standard position is qualified for measurement, whereas other positions are not qualified to be measured.
  5. The inspection of the function of the Usnisa Cortex focuses mainly on the function of spontaneously exhibiting the development of things and events. The testee shall, at the assigned time, immediately read the logical rule of causality for the development of such a phenomenon as any person, event, time, place, and object in each space-time as well as factors favorable and unfavorable to the future.

Related Paper:

The Evolution of Human Cerebral Cortex


Hall, J. E., & Guyton, A. C. (2011). Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology. (12th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier.

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