Liza Chen, Ying-Tung Lin, and Yuan Lin
Chinese Association for the Human Evolution, Shuilin Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan
Human Evolution Research Center
September 16 and 17, 2008



The crucian carp (Carassius carassius) is a very adaptable fish. It can survive in a small fish pond and stay alive even in turbid and anoxic water, while other fishes cannot. The crucian carps are omnivores. The fish need to be fed more planktonic crustaceans when they are very young and when they are fully mature, they can eat some water creatures such as insect larvae, crustaceans, or some water plants. The crucian carps generally forage under the water and will come up to the top of the water for food; therefore, you can throw the feed anywhere in the water. In addition, they also like to swim in shoals with other fish of the same age and size.

The Crucian carp contains a large amount of calcium, iron, phosphorus, and other minerals. And it also contains high units of protein, fat, vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, and other vitamins.

The nutritional value of carp hectogram meat is shown as Table 1:

Table 1. The nutritional value of crucian carp per 100 grams
108.00 kcal.
79.00 mg
17.10 gm
193.00 mg
2.70 gm
290.00 mg
3.80 gm
41.20 mg
130.00 mg
41.00 mg
Vitamin A
17.00 μg
1.30 mg
Vitamin B1
0.04 mg
1.94 mg
Vitamin B2
0.09 mg
Vitamin B5
2.50 mg
0.08 mg
Vitamin E
0.68 mg
0.06 mg
Note. Adapted and translated from鲫鱼(2017) retrieved from

The crucian carp also contains17 kinds of amino acids in high amounts (about 18.22%), of which 7.37% are essential amino acids. In addition, it is also rich in threonine and aspartic acid.

The purpose of this experiment is to prove that Mr. Yuan Lin, the first successfully-evolved New Human Line, can utilize the Absolutely Constant Energy Source (ACES) and the new biological engineering techniques to activate the crucian carp and affect its protein content to prolong the life of this fish without any change in the molecular weight, structural formula, and conformation, at 25℃, 1.0 atm., pH 7.0, in a confined and isolated space, and with no contact with catalysts, biologically active substances, chemical substances, and physical action forces.


Results and Discussion:

Experiment 1:

Table 2. Comparison of absorbance at 590 nm between two groups in Experiment 1

Statistical analysis:

Experiment 2:

Table 3. Comparison of absorbance at 590 nm between two groups in Experiment 2

Statistical analysis:

From the experimental results, we can see that the samples treated with ACES by Mr. Yuan Lin exhibit greater relative absorbance of the protein than the control samples. It shows that Mr. Yuan Lin can utilize ACES or the energy state of the standard protein duplicated and constituted with ACES to increase the relative amount of protein in all the crucian carp samples in the experiment.

From the statistical analysis, there are significant differences in these two experimental treatments, p<0.025 in Experiment 1 and p<0.05 in Experiment 2 respectively.



From the above experimental results, we can see that for the samples treated with ACES or with the energy state of standard protein duplicated and constituted with ACES by Mr. Yuan Lin, there are significant differences in both experimental treatments, p<0.025 in Experiment 1 and p<0.05 in Experiment 2 respectively. It proves that Mr. Yuan Lin, the New Human Line, can utilize the Absolutely Constant Energy Source (ACES) and the new biological engineering techniques to either directly or indirectly increase the protein content of the crucian carp, raise its survival rate and thus extend its life.



  1. 陈雪梅 (無日期)。保健菜肴--枸杞鲫鱼。取自
  2. 鲫鱼 (2017)。取自
  3. 鲫鱼 (2017)。取自
  4. Crucian Carp (n.d.). Retrieved from
  5. Hubele, N. F., Runger, G. C., & Montgomery, D. C. (1998). Engineering statistics. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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  95 Linhaven,
  Irvine, CA. 92602  
2F., No.76, Zhongxin St.,
Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242,
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Research Center:
No.7-7, Shunxing Rd.,
Shuilin Township, Yunlin County 652, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Carbon-oxygen Laboratory:
No.7-1, Shunxing Rd.,
Shuilin Township, Yunlin County 652, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
The copyright belongs to Mr. Yuan Lin and he reserves all legal right.