Liza Chen, Ying-Tung Lin, and Yuan Lin
Chinese Association for the Human Evolution, Shuilin Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan
Human Evolution Research Center
February 09, 11 and 12, 2008


There are about over three hundred kinds of bacteria living in the human gastrointestinal tract. Lactic acid bacteria are generally one kind of probiotic and Lactobacillus are a major part of the lactic acid bacteria group and as they can convert lactose or other carbohydrates to lactic acid, these bacteria is named lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria can produce lactic acid, so they can inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria in the surroundings.

Generally, Lactobacillus can be used to make yogurt, cheese, beer, wine, and other fermented foods in commerce, even the animal feeds such as silage. And casein forms curd in fermented goat’s milk also because of the existence of lactic acid.

Figure 1.  Clear milk.
Figure 2. Curd.

Lactic acid can still be found in all kinds of processed foods, such as wheat beer, fermented rye, and sourdough.

The fat of goat’s milk can form emulsion in water. The pH value is around 6.4. Its four major components are lactose, fat, nitrogen compounds, and minerals.

Table 1. Major components in goat’s milk
Major component
Note. Adapted from

Goat’s milk contains many small-sized fat globules, less than 1.5 mm in diameter and about 28% in goat’s milk but only 10% in cow’s milk. Therefore, the higher the content of small-sized fat globules, the more the activated components of goat’s milk the better.

Nitrogen components are divided into protein nitrogen and non-protein nitrogen. The major components of protein are casein, lactalbumin, and lactoglobulin. K-casein has a direct effect on the functioning of rennet. However, the content of soluble proteins and proteose-peptone in goat’s milk is comparatively low. K-casein in goat’s milk is different from that in cow’s milk as its molecules are arranged in an amorphous, loose structure, which makes it easy to be digested and less likely to cause diarrhea symptoms.

The general way to extend the storage time of goat’s milk is either to reduce the pH value or decrease the water content. For example, by heating goat’s milk to 110°C to 120°C for 20 to 40 minutes, the milk can be disinfected and stored for a long period of time outside the refrigerator. The general processing methods of goat’s milk are similar to these two storage methods (by reducing its pH value and by decreasing its water content).

The purpose of this experiment is to prove that Mr. Yuan Lin, the first successfully-evolved New Human Line, can utilize the Absolutely Constant Energy Source (ACES) and the new biological engineering techniques to activate raw goat’s milk without any change in its molecular weight, structural formula, and conformation, at 25℃, 1.0 atm, pH 7.0, and in a confined and isolated space, and with no contact with catalysts, biologically active substances, chemical substances, and physical action forces, so as to induce the following three qualitative changes in the goat’s milk: 1. the inhibition or reduction of bacterial growth and enzyme activity, 2. an increase in the acidity of the milk, and 3. a decrease in the pH value of the milk. These qualitative changes will increase the nutrition of the goat’s milk, improve its flavor, and extend its more preservation time.

Results & Discussion:

Experiment 1:

Table 2. Comparison of pH values of goat milk between the experiment group and the control group at 27°C in different periods of time after treatment

Note. The pH value of goat’s milk is 6.51 before experiment.

Figure 1. Comparison of the pH value curves between the experiment group and the control group at 27°C in different periods of time after treatment.


Experiment 2:

Table 3. Comparison of pH values of goat milk between the experiment group and the control group at different temperatures 2.5 hours after treatment


Figure 2. Comparison of the pH value curves between the experiment group and the control group at different temperatures 2.5 hours after treatment.

From Table 2 (for Experiment 1) and Table 3 (for Experiment 2), we can see that for the goat’s milk treated with ACES by Mr. Yuan Lin, the pH value is slightly lower than that of the control sample. And as the temperature rises, the pH value becomes lower. Our experiments show that when 190 ml of raw goat’s milk (pH 6.41) is heated up to 110°C and then boiled for 5 minutes, the milk begins to coagulate. Its volume decreases to 50 ml (with 74 % water loss) and its pH value becomes 5.90. Therefore, low pH value at high temperature seems reasonable.


From the above experimental results, we can see that the samples treated with ACES by Mr. Yuan Lin exhibit lower pH values than the control groups. It proved that Mr. Yuan Lin can utilize the Absolutely Constant Energy Source (ACES) and the new biological engineering techniques to inhibit or reduce bacterial growth and enzyme activity in goat’s milk, increase its acidity, and reduce its pH value so as to increase the nutrition of the dairy products, enhance their flavor, and further extend the preservation time.


  1. Ohiokpehai, Omo. (2003). Processed Food Products and Nutrient Composition of Goat Milk, Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 2(2), 68-71. Retrieved from
  2. Lactic acid. (2017). Retrieved from
  3. Lactobacillus. (2017). Retrieved from Lactobacillus
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  95 Linhaven,
  Irvine, CA. 92602  
2F., No.76, Zhongxin St.,
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Research Center:
No.7-7, Shunxing Rd.,
Shuilin Township, Yunlin County 652, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Carbon-oxygen Laboratory:
No.7-1, Shunxing Rd.,
Shuilin Township, Yunlin County 652, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
The copyright belongs to Mr. Yuan Lin and he reserves all legal right.