Before the human body can undergo a higher level of evolution, we first must make the old biochemical reactions in the body convert into the new types of biochemical reactions. It is only when the cells have new biochemical reactions that the cells, tissues, organs, and systems of the organism can proliferate a variety of new physiological functions.

For a chemical reaction to take place, reactant molecules must collide, but not all collisions can activate chemical reactions. In molecular collisions, only those collisions between reactant molecules carrying isometric energy can break down and recombine the bonds between atoms inside the molecule, allowing a chemical reaction to proceed. We therefore call the minimum energy required for a chemical reaction to occur the activation energy.

Activation energy is the energy barrier during the interconversion between the reactants and the products when they are respectively in their own minimum energy state. Thus, the lower the energy, the smaller the mutual interconversion energy barrier will be, and the more favorable it is for a chemical reaction to proceed. However, if the energy barrier cannot be surpassed, the reaction cannot take place. Moreover, the reaction rate depends on the number of the molecules that can surpass the energy barrier. Therefore, the more the molecules, the faster the reaction rate.

Threshold energy can be used to define the energy barrier that has to be overcome for a chemical reaction to proceed in a cell. Activation energy can be used to refer to the minimum energy required for a chemical reaction to occur. Therefore, the higher the activation energy, the more difficult it is for the reaction to proceed. Similarly, the higher the cell threshold energy, the more difficult it is for a biochemical reaction to proceed in the body. Although the lower the threshold energy, the more easily a biochemical reaction can proceed in the body, once the cell threshold energy reduces to the minimum amount, the cell will die.

Human beings collect external information through all kinds of sensory organs, formulate comprehensible consciousness or sub-consciousness through sensory processing procedures and then solve problems by means of such thinking modes as imagination, hypothesis, reasoning, and logic. When feelings aggregate to form the consciousness and mind, the threshold energy in the cell will increase and so will the activation energy, causing the energy barrier in the cell to become larger. This makes the new biochemical reactions unable to proceed in the body. However, if the threshold energy in the cell is reduced to the minimum, the cell will lose activation energy and die. This evolution dilemma is the fundamental reason why the human body has failed to undergo higher-level evolution for 200 thousand years ever since the emergence of Homo sapiens.

All the biochemical reactions in the body of the New Human Line are activated by the Absolutely Constant Energy Source (ACES). ACES acts as the energy source to construct the most fundamental forms of all and everything, including time and space, the universe and its background. It can convert energy into mass or mass into energy. Therefore, it is not affected by the threshold energy, activation energy, and energy barrier in the cell, and thus can broadly activate all and every biochemical reactions.

The following experiment was carried out by Mr. Yuan Lin, the first successfully-evolved New Human Line, who utilized the Absolutely Constant Energy Source (ACES) and the new biological engineering techniques to activate and regulate oxidation-reduction reactions of glucose without any change in its molecular weight, structural formula, and conformation, at 25℃, 1.0 atm, and pH 7.0, in a confined and isolated space, and with no contact with catalysts, biologically active substances, chemical substances, and physical action forces.


Liza Chen, Ying-Tung Lin, and Yuan Lin
Chinese Association for the Human Evolution, Shuilin Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan
Human Evolution Research Center
November 8 and 9, 2007


Oxidation–reduction reactions are important chemical reactions in nature. The loss of electrons during a reaction is called oxidation, while the gain of electrons during a reaction is called reduction. As both reactions need to proceed simultaneously, they are generally called redox reactions.

Plants utilize solar energy to combine CO2 and H2O to form glucose. Glucose plays an important role in the human body and life. The human body needs eight monosaccharides for regular and proper functioning and all the essential monosaccharides arise from glucose (see Figure 1).


Figure 1. Glucose and other derivative monosaccharides.
Note. This figure is adapted from Devlin, T.M. (2011). Textbook of biochemistry with clinical correlations. (7th ed., p.652). Danvers, MA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Glucose is colorless; therefore, it must undergo a color producing reaction to be measured by a spectrophotometer. It reacts with an oxidizing agent called Benedict's reagent. The reagent mainly contains copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO4), sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) and sodium citrate (Na3C6H5O7). Benedict's reagent is used to test for the presence of the aldehyde functional group, -CHO, by forming the precipitate, cuprous oxide (Cu2O).

The purpose of this experiment is to prove that Mr. Yuan Lin, the first successfully-evolved New Human Line, can utilize the Absolutely Constant Energy Source (ACES) and the new biological engineering techniques to activate the color producing reactions of oxidation-reduction of glucose so as to control these chemical reaction processes without any change in the molecular weight, structural formula, and conformation of glucose, at 25℃, 1.0 atm, and pH 7.0, in a confined and isolated space, and with no contact with catalysts, biologically active substances, chemical substances, and physical action forces.




Results & Discussion:

Experiment 1: promoting oxidation-reduction reactions

Table 1. Standard glucose (11/08/2007)
Concentration (M)
Absorbance at 437 nm

Figure 1. The standard curve of glucose. (11/08/2007).

Figure 2. The condition of the liquids before glucose reacted with Benedict's solution. (11/08/2007) .
Figure 3. Comparison of the result of the reaction between the control sample and the treated sample. (11/08/2007) .


Table 2. The result of Experiment 1
Absorbance at 437 nm
Concentration of glucose (M)
1. control
2. experiment
Note. The original concentration of glucose was 0.05 M. After oxidation-reduction reactions were promoted, the concentration increased to 0.089 M (by 78%) in the treated sample.

Table 3. The result of replication of Experiment 1
Absorbance at 437 nm
Concentration of glucose (M)
1. control
2. experiment
Note. The original concentration of glucose was 0.016M. After oxidation-reduction reactions were promoted, the concentration changed to 0.028 M (by 75%) in the treated sample.

Experiment 2: inhibiting oxidation-reduction reactions

Table 4. Standard glucose (11/09/2007)
Concentration (M)
Absorbance at 437 nm
0. 535
0. 2505

Figure 4. The standard curve of glucose. (11/09/2007)

Table 5. The result of Experiment 2
Absorbance at 437 nm
Concentration of glucose (M)
1. control
2. experiment
Note. The original concentration of glucose was 0.05 M. After oxidation-reduction reactions were inhibited, the concentration decreased to 0.044 M (by 12%) in the treated sample.

Table 6. The result of replication of Experiment 2
Absorbance at 437 nm
Concentration of glucose (M)
1. control
2. experiment
Note. The original concentration of glucose was 0.046 M. After oxidation-reduction reactions were inhibited, the concentration decreased to 0.039 M (by 15%) in the treated sample.


From the above experiments, we can see that when Mr. Yuan Lin, the New Human Line, utilizes the Absolutely Constant Energy Source to regulate the oxidation-reduction reactions of glucose, its concentration can be affected. When oxidation-reduction reactions are promoted, the glucose concentration increase by 75%, and when oxidation-reduction reactions are inhibited, the glucose concentration will decrease by 12%. It can prove that Mr. Yuan Lin, the New Human Line, can utilize the Absolutely Constant Energy Source and the new biological engineering techniques to regulate the oxidation-reduction reactions of glucose (p=0.000).


  1. John, M. (2008). Organic Chemistry. (7th ed., pp.686-694). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Thomson Learning.
  2. Nelson, D. L., & Cox, M. M. (2005). Lehninger principles of biochemistry. (4th ed., p.751~p.752). New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and company.
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  95 Linhaven,
  Irvine, CA. 92602  
2F., No.76, Zhongxin St.,
Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242,
Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Research Center:
No.7-7, Shunxing Rd.,
Shuilin Township, Yunlin County 652, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Carbon-oxygen Laboratory:
No.7-1, Shunxing Rd.,
Shuilin Township, Yunlin County 652, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
The copyright belongs to Mr. Yuan Lin and he reserves all legal right.