Regulating Antioxidants with Energy

Liza Chen, Ying-Tung Lin, and Yuan Lin
Chinese Association for the Human Evolution, Shuilin Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan
Human Evolution Research Center
March 5, 6 & 7, 2008



Antioxidants are organic compounds that can delay or inhibit oxidation. The orange (Citrus sinensis ) is a citrus fruit which is sweet to taste and easy to peel. It is generally sold either as fresh or as frozen concentrated juice in the market. Oranges are the main source of vitamin C (ascorbic acid), folic acid, and beta-carotene. They also contain hesperidin (the major flavonoid component of oranges), citric acid, potassium, iron, and vitamins B1, B2, and B3.

Many laboratory studies have shown that oranges contain antioxidant properties and orange peel can resist malignant activities of cells. In vitro and in vivo studies have found that polyphenol antioxidants in citrus juices are associated with lowering heart diseases. Eating more fruits and vegetables can reduce chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Recent research has found that polyphenols contain many beneficial properties. They are strong antioxidants. Manach et al. (2004) flavanones (polyphenols) were found present in high concentrations in citrus fruit. A serving (200 ml) of orange juice might contain 40-140 mg flavanones (215-685 mg/L). Vinson et al. (2002) used an oxidation-reduction colorimetric method to estimate the content of polyphenols. As for the antioxidant contribution of ascorbic acid, ascorbate contributed 46% of the single tangerine juice measured, 56 to 77% of the antioxidant content of orange juice, and 66 to 77% of grapefruit juices. And orange has vitamin C 53mg/100g (Natural Food-Fruit Vitamin C Content,2001)

The pure polyphenol hesperidin, which is usually found in fruit juices, ascorbic acid, and citrus juices, was not able to bind with low density lipoprotein and very low density lipoprotein and protect it from oxidation. In a hamster model of atherosclerosis, the juices had significant effects on inhibiting atherosclerosis and decreasing cholesterol and triglycerides. Ascorbic acid provided by the juices was found to have the same effect on atherosclerosis (Vinson et al., 2002).

The purpose of this experiment is to prove that Mr. Yuan Lin, the first successfully-evolved New Human Line, can utilize the Absolutely Constant Energy Source (ACES) and the new biological engineering techniques to activate and regulate the concentration, effect, and content of antioxidants without any change in their molecular weight, structural formula, and conformation, at 25℃, 1.0 atm, and pH 7.0, in a confined and isolated space, and with no contact with catalysts, biologically active substances, chemical substances, and physical action forces.



Results & Discussion:

Figure 1 Color of the titration mixtures after the end point.


Table 1 Comparison of anti-oxidative activity among three treatments.
Note. ACES= the Absolutely Constant Energy Source.
a Commercial vitamin C 1000. The pill contains carbohydrate, Na, Ca, vitamin C and vitamin E.

Statistical analysis:

In the titration experiment using KIO3 and KI as the reagents, it shows that the larger the volume of the titrant solution used, the higher the concentration of antioxidants in the samples, and also the stronger the anti-oxidation. From Table 1, we can see that the samples treated directly with the ACES by Mr. Yuan Lin in the first treatment display larger volume of titrant solution than those of the second treatment and the control. The sample treated the energy state of vitamin C duplicated and constituted with the ACES by Mr. Yuan Lin in the second treatment display greater volume of titrant solution that the control. And the high concentration of antioxidants means stronger anti-oxidation and better quality of the samples.


From the above experiment results, we can see a significant difference (p<0.05) in the concentration between the samples treated directly with the ACES by Mr. Yuan Lin and the control group. It proved that Mr. Yuan Lin, the New Human Line, can utilize the ACES and the new biological engineering techniques to regulate the concentration, effect, and volume of antioxidants. This research also can explain that natural antioxidants have better quality than those made artificially or synthesized chemically.


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  Irvine, CA. 92602
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Research Center:
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Carbon-oxygen Laboratory:
No.7-1, Shunxing Rd.,
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The copyright belongs to Mr. Yuan Lin and he reserves all legal right.